10 Easy Weight Loss tips 2013

You know you are experiencing yo-yo dieting, but do not know how to stop it! It is time to get your balance back. The following easy weight loss tips will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Top 10 Easy Weight Loss Tips

7 SUPER EFFECTIVE weight loss tips

Weight loss tip 1: Decide how much weight you need to lose - Most people start their weight loss journey by claiming to be xyz kilos overweight. This isn't a healthy way to project or aim for weight loss. Calculate your desired weight against your height by using reliable methods like the BMI, and set a healthy weight loss target. This is often half the battle won. Weight loss tip 2: Time management - This is quite often overlooked. Decide which part of your day will be dedicated to exercise, when in the week you will stock up on groceries, and when you will do the cooking - all within your current work and home life routine. If you don't do this now, your days will be rushed and unplanned, and you won't be able to sustain your weight loss efforts. Weight loss tip 3: Stock your kitchen - Keep your house well-stocked with fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains, cereals, spices, and flavourers. Follow our tricks to healthy cooking, cooking vegetables for the week, and low-fat cooking posts to understand how best you can stock your kitchen with healthy and delicious ingredients. All of this will go into helping the next step - cooking healthy meals at home. Weight loss tip 4: Eat healthy homecooked meals - Whether it's you who's cooking, a family member, or house help, ensure that every one practises healthy cooking methods, and ingredients. Ask any person who's lost weight the healthy way, and you will always hear about how healthy homecooked meals were a big reason behind it. Use less oil, low salt, fresh produce, and you'll start seeing results in no time. Weight loss tip 5 : Start a cardio + weights workout - A healthy weight loss programme is incomplete without a good exercise routine, and weight training mixed with cardio is the best way to lose weight. Of course, variations and forms exist, but any workout that stresses on muscle tone and increased heart rate will always help you lose weight and keep it off. You can either start a home workout today, or rely on gyms for fitness training. Weight loss tip 6: Alter your snacking habits - At Health Me Up, we have several healthy snacking ideas for you. Set those French fries aside, skip that aerated drink, and ban those unhealthy deep fried samosas. Explore the healthy snack world and you will find several appetisers, party snacks, movie snacks and meal accompaniments that'll satisfy every craving of yours. Weight loss tip 7: Have at least one active hobby - It isn't sufficient to rely on just 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Moving from bed to office chair, and back to bed, isn't a healthy way to live. Buy a motion sensor gaming console that lets you enjoy social games with friends and family, plan weekend trips, clean your house once a week, dance, play sports, the list is endless. Get out of the coffee shop and dining table rut, and you'll have fun along with the healthy weight loss.

Starbucks Coffee Drinks Calories !!

What's your favorite coffee drink?  When I go to Starbucks, I order a "venti, nonfat, sugar-free hazelnut cappuccino on the dry side."  Yes, I am one of those coffee drinkers whose drink name is so long that it is almost laughable.  Last week, while I was ordering the drink at a New York Starbucks, the lady behind me asked me how many calories were in the drink. She was shocked that I knew the answer.
How Many Calories Do You Consume at Starbucks?
My coffee drink contains 110 calories, zero grams of fat, 16 grams of carbohydrate and 10 grams of protein according to the Starbucks app on my iPhone.  If you visit Starbucks, or any coffee house, you should check the calorie count of your coffee drink, too.  You might be surprised to find that the fat and calorie count is higher than expected.  There are a few drinks that top 700 calories.  Yikes!
How Order Low Calorie Coffee
If you find out that your morning java fix is too high in fat and calories, use a few simple tips to create a drink that won't ruin your diet.  First, make sure that you exercise portion control when ordering.  It's easy to mindlessly drink too many coffee calories. I order the largest size of cappuccino, but since I order it "dry," most of the drink is foam.  Second, make sure you specify nonfat milk and no whipped cream.  Why bother loading your coffee cup with unnecessary fat?  Most of the time you can't tell the difference, anyway.  And lastly, take advantage of sugar-free syrups.  They add flavor without calories.

Lose 10 Pounds and Still Eat Fast Food

Yes, you can lose 10 pounds and still eat fast food.  The biggest reason diets fail is the sense of being denied food you enjoy.  The first temptation trying to ruin your efforts at dropping the pounds is usually fast food.

Diet Pills Danger :

With bathing-suit season just around the corner, those diet-pill ads online or in the back of many women's magazines can be pretty tempting. A recent Google of the words "quick weight loss" turned up more than 23 million hits—many of them links to allegedly safe and natural products that promised users could drop 20 pounds or more in a month with no health risks. Some of these products are relatively inexpensive, but others are quite pricey—more than $100 for a month's supply. Don't be fooled. Although many are simply ineffective and will hurt only your wallet, the FDA has recently cracked down on dozens that are downright dangerous.

Weight loss tips

1.Some Tips to Lose 10 Pounds

If keeping your weight under control is important to you then it is equally important to lose the weight in a way that does not affect your health adversely.  It has been known for some time that people really take losing weight very seriously, and they can sometimes end up compromising their health in the process.  This article will shed some light on a few vital points that one should keep in mind to when attempting to tackle the issue of weight loss, and remain healthy at the same time.    After all having a long healthy life is what most people want?
Understand Your State Of Mind
Are you motivated enough? Losing 10 pounds is not rocket science, but it isn’t a cake walk either. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve your goal? If you are unsure about your answer to that question then you may want to take the time to prepare yourself mentally.  It is extremely important to be prepared mentally as well as physically for the challenge of losing weight.
Eat and Act Smart
Do not attempt to cut all fats and carbohydrates from your diet.  The first thing you may want to do is consult with your doctor and a registered dietitian.  Diet is one of the major aspects of weight loss.  Each person is different and dietitians will be able to help you prepare a diet that takes into account your body type and build, age, sex, and activity level.  Many people fail to see results even after spending hours each week in the gym, because their diet plans are inadequate to help them lose weight properly.
Monitor Your Progress
Ok once you have the proper mental attitude and diet plan its time to start monitoring your progress.  By monitoring your progress you will be able to gauge what is and isn’t working for you.  You should monitor your caloric intake, the amount of water you drink, and the time you spend exercising.

Make It Fun
The purpose of losing the 10 pounds is to make yourself feel more confident and healthy.  It is very important that you take time to enjoy the journey that you are on to become a new more fit and healthy person.  Set daily goals that you can accomplish, and that will help to move you in the direction that you want to go with your weight loss efforts.
Try to keep your daily stress to a minimum.  Find a workout partner to work with so that you have someone to share your joys and frustration with.  If you can’t find a workout partner then get an iPod and load it up with motivational audio and your favorite music.

Be Reasonable
Believe in your plan and execute it on a daily basis.  Be patient, and remember that hard work definitely pays off.  Just take your time and most of all be persistent and consistent. 

2. Lose 10 Pounds by Getting Up Early

For a lot of people losing 10 pounds can make all the difference in the world.  Weight gain is a slow and steady process that surprises most people.  The weight is added here and there over a period of time and one day we wake up to find that we are 10 pounds overweight.  Many of us can lose the weight by simply adding some exercise to our daily routine.  The problem is where to find the time to fit it into our busy lives.  We need a quick, easy, and effective solution.
Anytime we want something we have to give up something else.  In the case of squeezing in the exercise we need one option is to give up sleeping late.  If you simply wake up 1 hour early each morning you can get in a quick workout before you start the rest of your day.  By doing this you do not interrupt your normal routine.  Losing 1 hour of sleep is well worth the sacrifice.  Exercising in the morning also has the added benefit of being the optimum time to burn excess fat from the body.
Our bodies use the stored carbohydrates from the meals that we eat as fuel or a source of energy.  Since we are waking from a fast first thing in the morning we do not have any carbohydrates to burn.  Exercising in the morning then forces our bodies to burn the stored fat.  Studies have indicated that by exercising first thing in the morning our bodies will potentially burn up to 250% more fat than if we did the same exercises at any other time during the day.  One important caveat to exercising in the morning is that you have to exercise on an empty stomach.

3. Lose 10 Pounds - Planning and Executing

People have many reasons for wanting to lose weight.  By reducing your weight you will feel better and look better as well.  Losing weight has the added benefit of helping you to gain more self confidence.  One of the best ways to start your weight reduction program is to set a goal to lose 10 pounds.  The success of achieving your goal ultimately depends on the effectiveness and execution of your plan.
Each person is very different.  People differ in their lifestyle choices, work, behavior, and attitudes.  These factors should be taken into account when developing your plan to lose 10 pounds.  Keep in mind also that the success of the plan is also related to how realistic the plan is for you to achieve.  Be sure to think about your daily routine, your lifestyle, and what you are willing to give up in order to accomplish your goal.
You plan should include both diet and exercise changes to increase your chances for success.  Develop a daily meal plan and exercise plan.  It has been proven that if you plan you are more likely to succeed.
Maintaining a proper diet during your weight loss plan will require some self discipline.  The first thing that you will want to do is prepare a meal plan.  Then go to the grocery store and buy everything you will need to prepare your meals.  Prepare as many quick snacks as possible so that you will have them on hand if you need a quick bite to eat.  Preparing healthy snacks in advance will help keep you from eating junk.  Prepare as many of your meals in advance as possible.  Refrigerate and freeze where appropriate.  Space your scheduled eating times at least 2-3 hours apart. 
Design an exercise plan that is suited to your particular personality and lifestyle.  Some people have very little time throughout the day to workout.  So for those people a 10-15 minute workout twice a day may be exactly what they need.  And trust me there are 10-15 minute workouts that can give you a great benefit if done correctly.  If you have a little more time you may want to workout for 30 - 60 minutes per day.  You can accomplish this by working out early in the morning, on your lunch break, or right after work.  Whatever you plan just be consistent.  Daily physical exertion is a must if you are planning to lose weight and keep it off.

4 Lose 10 Pounds by Jogging
Most of us have experienced at one time or another observing our weight creeping steadily up over time.  This slow steady weight gain is the result of indulgences from the past in the form of vacations, holiday events, and unconscious eating on a daily basis.  Quickly before many of us realize it that one or two pounds that we are gaining each month turns into 10 pounds or more overweight. 

There are a lot of methods that you can lose to try and take off an additional 10 pounds of weight or body fat.  Some methods work really well, and some only marginally, and some not at all.  It is also understood that the effort is often proportional to the success.
There are a lot of methods that people tend to take up to lose this unbearable fat on their body. Some methods work, some don’t. Possibly, the affect of a work out or a diet on some one’s body is directly proportional to the efforts one puts in while doing so.

Jogging is one method of exercising that can aid in helping you to lose weight.  Jogging is a good way to burn calories if you like running.  Jogging gives you the opportunity to get out of the gym and experience fresh air and nature.  A morning run is a good way to start your day and get your blood flowing.  Jogging gives you an opportunity for mediation and quiet reflection that you might not get when at the gym surrounded by lots of other people who are working out.  You can jog just about anywhere.  Many cruise ships now come with jogging tracks built on at least one deck so that people who like to jog don’t have to interrupt their regular routine while on vacation.  You can jog at work during your lunch break or in the late evenings.

The other good thing about jogging is that it is an exercise that doesn’t require spending a lot of money.  About the most you need to spend money on is a good pair of running shoes, a t-shirt, shorts, and good socks.  Most people already possess all of these items.  The one exception is probably a good pair of running shoes.  A good pair of running shoes is essential for not only protecting your feet, but they help to protect you legs, back, and spine too.  So do your self a favor a splurge on a really good pair of running shoes if jogging will be a significant part of your exercise routine.

5 Stick to a Routine and Lose 10 Pounds
Most people take many steps to try and lose weight.  There are many factors in a person’s life that will hinder their weight loss efforts.  Stress, bad eating habits, and low self confidence all contribute to hindering weight loss.  If you can follow a good diet and exercise plan and combine that will persistence and consistency then you should have a much better chance of losing 10 pounds or more.
The most common reason for failure in losing weight is that many people fail to stick to the diet or exercise plan for a reasonable amount of time.  They fail to give the diet and exercise a chance to work.  Many want to see results instantly, and fail to realize, that like weight gain, weight loss is not linear.  You must have realistic expectations as well.  Weighing yourself everyday and hoping for a reduction in weight daily is unrealistic.  The body simply doesn’t work that way.  Some days you will lose weight, some days you will not, and some days you will even gain weight according to the scale.  But if you are consistent, and track your weight loss daily you will see a pattern of continuous weight loss over time.  Again I stress “over time” you will see a downward trend in the graph of your weight loss, but a daily snapshot may not show this.  So give your weight loss plan time to work by sticking to it for a period of at least 1-3 months.
Before making any plans to diet and workout it is a good idea to check with your doctor first to ensure that your plan will be ok for you.  It is important that you are healthy enough to embark on the specific plan that you have chosen to execute.
Exercise plays a vital role in achieving weight loss.  You should give a lot of thought to your exercise plan.  You will want to try and exercise consistently at the same time everyday to make it a part of your normal routine.  While exercising routinely at the same time every day is a good idea it is not a good idea to do the exact same thing every time you workout.  It is important that you vary your workouts every time.  The human body is very good at adapting to new situations.  You body will quickly adapt to your exercise routine if it becomes to predictable, and you will have trouble losing weight.  So to counter this keep the body guessing by constantly making slight changes to the type and intensity of your exercises.

Diet is another important factor that determines your success with losing weight.  Make it easy on yourself to achieve your goals by setting yourself up for success.  Plan your meals, prepare meals in advance, and buy healthy foods for your house.  Another thing that you can do is to plan what your going to eat before you go to a restaurant.  In the age of the internet most restaurants have their menus online.  Go online and have a look at the menu before hand and find menu items that fit in with your plan.  Also ask your server to have the chef prepare your meal to your required specifications.

6. Eat right in order to lose 10 pounds

Losing weight is not only about how many calories you burn, but what it is exactly that you are eating.  Many people have complained about not losing weight when they are working out.  It is most often due to the fact that they are not eating properly.  Without the proper diet losing weight is an uphill battle.  It will do you no good to exercise everyday, and then eat cheeseburgers and milkshakes.  You will be canceling all of your efforts in the gym if you are not eating correctly.

The intake of the appropriate foods plays a larger role in weight loss than most people realize.  Therefore you need to plan your diet well.  Also you will want to eat a variety of foods to keep yourself from becoming bored with your new diet.  Eating appropriately will also give you the energy that you need to workout effectively. 

You should plan to eat small meals every 2-3 hours throughout the day.  Some people will eat 4 times per day and some will eat 5-6 times per day.  How many times per day that you eat is up to you, but it is proven that multiple small meals spread out throughout the day is more effective for weight loss than the old standard of 3 meals per day.

Eating right during the holidays is tough for many of us.  There are a lot of very good foods rich in sugar, excess fat, and carbohydrates.  It is essentially part of almost every holiday to eat, drink, and be merry.  This causes us to over indulge in a lot of foods that are not good for us.  We have a tendency to eat even when we are not hungry.  The habits that we develop over the holiday season are hard to shed once the holidays are over.  This is why the period between Thanksgiving and New Years is so tough on someone trying to lose weight.  It is also the reason why right after New Years so many of us struggle to get the weight off.  If you develop good eating habits before the holidays and use determination, focus, and persistence you can avoid bad eating habits and picking up excess weight.

Following good eating practices can help you to continue eating right.  Be consistent in your food consumption.  Eat at the same times daily.  This will help your body adapt to a routine, and help you to control your hunger.  Eat in a nice setting, and don’t eat while doing something else.  Focus your attention on what you are eating.  Learn to eat for energy and not so much for taste.  You can actually retrain your taste buds in a matter of weeks so that your body will become accustomed to not eating foods high in fats, sugars, and salts.

7. Your way of life can influence weight loss

Are you striving hard to lose some weight? Is what you are doing working? Generally people feel that diet and workouts can help them lose weight. These two factors do contribute to a major extent but are these, the only factors required to lose weight? Have you ever thought about that? There is a third factor, contributing heavily to your weight loss, and that is your lifestyle. You could decide to lose weight for a variety of reasons.  It could be buying a new summer wardrobe, preparing for a wedding, or simply to be fit and slim.  Strict dieting and extensive workouts are extremely difficult to follow on a regular basis. Slight changes in your way of life can help you to avoid unwanted weight gain.  Incorporating certain extra measures can also lead to weight loss. These measures include healthy day to day habits.

Try and follow a specific plan when attempting to lose weight.  There is no short cut to losing weight as much as we all want one.  Several things that you can do are to join a gym, hire a personal trainer, or partnering with someone who has a similar goal.

Try to avoid extreme dieting because it is not a permanent solution.  As soon as you stop using your extreme diet the weight that you lost will quickly come back.  Try to incorporate a diet plan that you can possibly follow for life.  So your diet should actually be a lifestyle and not specifically a “diet”.  This will ensure that you lose the weight that you want to and keep it off.  This is a more effective approach to diet and weight loss than simply going on an extreme diet for a short period of time.

Having a healthy lifestyle and at the same time enjoying life are questions that a lot of us ask ourselves.  You can make small changes in your lifestyle to help you lose weight.  For instance you can use the stairs at work instead of the elevator.  If you have a store in your community try walking or biking to the store sometimes instead of simply driving every time.  Take up a sport you are interested in.  If you like golf try walking the course instead of driving a golf cart.

8 Working Out is the best way to lose weight

Almost all of us know that there is no easy path to weight loss. Everybody wants to look slim and active. Extra pounds not only make you look fat but also give a clumsy feel to your appearance. Weight loss can enhance your poise. You will start feeling happier and every thing around you will add to your personality.

Once you start exercising, you will feel so good about your body, that it will become a habit for ever. Initially exercising can be a little difficult. You will get tired sooner than usual. You may also find that your appetite has also increased after you start to work out. But these are the triggering factors. Don’t worry, because all this is absolutely normal. Abrupt changes will occur if you over stress your body. People with a lethargic way of life will find it more difficult to exercise. Such people also have an advantage. People, who do not get enough workouts, will notice that their body loses faster. Also such people have more to lose; therefore one can notice tremendous changes.

Some people are too lazy to exercise. They find it very hard to exercise. Trust me; it is not that difficult once you start with it. You will enjoy the feel of your workout sessions. The best approach for losing those 10 pounds is to join a gym. Why only gym? Many people ask this question. A gym can provide you with systematic method of exercising. Also, going to the gym provides you a regular routine of exercising. Regular exercise helps lose weight faster. After a period of regular exercise, your body will come into that mode of shedding fats.

You will feel even better when people start noticing your weight loss and praise you.  Exercising is very important for us. How many of us do sufficient physical exercise through out the day? Almost all of us sit in front of the computer, watch television or study for long hours. Constant sitting can result into tremendous weight gain. In order to improve your physical activity, you can actually do short workouts while seated or right next to your office chair. It is much better than sitting all day long. You should also take part in sports. But with regular and systematic exercise, you can lose weight in no time. Eat right, live healthy and workout for a better life

9 Bikes- an economical way to lose 10 pounds

How are you planning to lose weight? The best way to plan any weight loss agenda is to set a fixed period of time. A goal can make you more focused towards your desired aim. Goals are not just for weight loss, a goal can help us achieve anything we desire for. Set a goal and take steps to move towards it.  Make small targets like weekly or monthly and observe your results.

Losing 10 pounds is an achievable target. Once you have set your target, your first step is over. Your second step would start by working towards it. Some people mistake this step for hard core dieting and stressful workout sessions. 10 pounds is quite an easily attainable target. You won’t have to undergo any strenuous training sessions to lose 10 pounds. You can do it by making certain changes in your habits, eating routine, diet, activities and sleeping cycles.

Your major aim should be to become active. Look at little children; they are so involved in their play. You can also take part in a much loved childhood sport. This can be a fun way to reduce your body weight. What was you favorite childhood activity?

Almost all of us have loved riding a bicycle all throughout our childhood. Biking is a natural way of losing weight and keeping fit. Did your ever require a gym to get exercise as a child? Biking is a great way to combine weight loss with fun. You will actually be able to shed some weight while you are going to your workplace. Biking is a great for those who have a busy schedule. It should be opted by all school going teenagers who are gaining weight due to long study hours. Biking will also cut down on their transportation expenses. Many people can not afford costly gyms.  Joining a gym usually requires an expensive year long or more commitment. 

You can be irregular with your gym but you can never be irregular with your bike. Therefore it is great way to experience regular exercise. You will not have to figure out for any particular time to exercise. Biking serves multiple purposes. Losing 10 pounds without even realizing the pain of losing weight is just an amazing experience. And this is possible only with the help of bike. 

10 Healthy Eating Habits for Weight Loss

How many of you broke your weight loss New Year’s resolution, yet again? Almost all of us broke our new year’s resolution of losing some weight. This happened because most of us did not follow the right kind of approach. What is the right method to begin with? Can weight loss be painless? What sacrifices are supposed to be done in order to lose noticeable weight?

Yes, weight loss can be fun. You have to focus on three things in order to lose some noticeable weight, say 10 pounds! First, you need to improve your way of life and opt for healthier activities like sports, recreation and athletics. Improve your sleeping routine and walk or ride a bike as much as possible. Second, you need to do some regular exercise comprising of cardio workouts. Cardio is a good way to help with weight loss. Last, and the most important of all, you need to watch what you eat.

Your intake plays a very important part in your weight loss plan. Minor changes in your eating habits can result in huge weight loss. If you eat appropriate, you will keep healthy forever. Many people opt to cut down on their diet in order to lose instant weight. This approach is hundred percent wrong. The moment, you start eating again, it will have worse repercussions on your body. You would instead gain instant weight which will show even worse. The right approach is to supply sufficient food to your body when it is in need of it. Our body needs additional nutrients to gather extra energy for the strenuous workout routines. Therefore be patient and chose the harder path to lose your 10 pounds so that they never come back to you again. This kind of an approach leads to stable weight loss.

You should avoid unnecessary eating. Most of us eat just for the sake for it. Sometimes we eat under the pressure of our unconscious mind when our stomach has no appetite for more. Many factors can lead to such pointless eating. Stress, anxiety, boredom or idleness can make you eat without any point. This can lead to excess of fats in your body. You should become conscious and avoid eating when you cook, watch television or while reading. You should eat slowly so that you don’t eat too much. Don’t eat things just because they are available to you. Once, you have had your meal, do not eat anything else. Never miss your breakfast. Opt for a light dinner. These measures can help you lose your 10 ponds in almost no time.

Losing Weight Rapidly

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night's dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.